IEEE Engineering Day is an yearly event promoted by IEEE Portugal.

We bring brilliant engineers joining Academia and Industry to present and discuss relevant topics for the technological community. This year we discuss the importance of semiconductors and component failures.


Event in a hybrid format, join us remotely or face-to-face!

The event will take place at the UNINOVA, located on the campus of NOVA School of Science and Technology in Caparica. Sessions will be transmitted via Zoom for remote attendees (registration required).

Our Speakers

Inspiring a new IEEEer every day

Nuno Paulino photo

Nuno Paulino

Nuno Paulino was born in Beja, Portugal, in 1969. He graduated from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, in 1992, and received the M.Sc. degree from the Technical University of Lisbon in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2008. He has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), since 1999. Since 1999, he has also been a Senior Researcher with the Centre of Technology and Systems, UNINOVA. In 2003, he co-founded ACACIA Semiconductor, a Portuguese engineering company specialized in high-performance data converter and analog front-end products, acquired by S3 in 2007. From 1996 to 1999, he was an Analog Design Engineer with Rockwell Semiconductor, USA. His scientific interests include the design of CMOS circuits for UWB sensing systems, analog and discrete time signal processing, data converters, self-testing and self-calibrating techniques, switched capacitor circuits for power converters, and optimization tools for assisting the design of analog circuits.

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Salvatore Pennisi photo

Salvatore Pennisi

Salvatore Pennisi received the laurea degree in electronic engineering in 1992 and the Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1997, both from the University of Catania, Italy and is now full professor of electronics at the same university, teaching courses for bachelor and master degrees and coordinating the master degree in Electronic Engineering.,His main research interests include circuit theory and integrated CMOS analog design with emphasis on low-voltage and current-mode techniques, multi-stage amplifiers with related frequency compensation, data converters and the analysis of high-frequency distortion in analog circuits. More recently, his research activities have involved driving circuits and techniques for liquid crystal displays, circuits for efficient energy harvesting and monolithic power conversion circuits in GaN technology.,He has published more than 100 international journal papers, 120 conference proceedings, and is the co-author of the books CMOS Current Amplifiers (1999), Feedback Amplifiers: Theory and Design (2001) both edited by Kluwer Academic Publishers, and Liquid Crystal Display Drivers-Techniques and Circuits (Springer 2009). His H-index (Scopus) is 32.,Dr. Pennisi is Fellow IEEE and is member of the IEEE CASS Analog Signal Processing Technical Committee and served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-Part II: Express Briefs and of the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. He is also member of the national board of the Italian Society of Electronics (SIE).

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Pedro Barquinha  photo

Pedro Barquinha

Pedro Barquinha received his PhD in Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences from NOVA University of Lisbon in 2010. He is currently Associate Professor at the Materials Science Department of FCT-NOVA and group leader of Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology at CENIMAT|I3N. Low-temperature oxide electronics has been his core research area since 2004, including thin film deposition, nanostructure synthesis and their integration in flexible devices such as transistors, circuits and nanogenerators. This has been achieved through >40 research projects with academia and industry, including an ERC Starting Grant (TREND) and an ERC Proof of Concept Grant (FLETRAD). He co-authored >170 peer-reviewed papers (h-index=53, as November 2022), 3 books and 7 book chapters and since 2020 is an editor at IEEE EDL. Since 2022 he is a member of the Portuguese Council for Science, Technology and Innovation and also a member of the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) council.

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Nuno Ramalho  photo

Nuno Ramalho

Nuno Ramalho is a Director of R&D at Synopsys. Prior to Synopsys, he was a VP at Chipidea Microelectronica since 2000 where he held multiple positions as Director of Analog & Mixed Signal IP (Audio, Power Management, Analog Baseband Front-ends and RF). Prior to Chipidea, Nuno Ramalho worked 13 years as a research engineer and design manager at Philips Research in NL and UK, at Philips Semiconducteurs in France and at IMEC in Belgium where he specialized in Analog and Mixed-Signal IC design for Audio, Video, Magnetic Recording and Optical Communications. Nuno Ramalho received his BAI and MSc degrees in Microelectronics in 1988 from Trinity College, University of Dublin. He has put numerous ICs into production, co-authored 6 papers and holds 14 US and European patents.

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Francisco Ibáñez  photo

Francisco Ibáñez

Francisco J. Ibáñez holds university degrees in Engineering and Solid-State Physics (Autonoma University, Madrid) and Masters in Communication Networks and Signal Processing (Polytechnic University, Madrid), Business Administration (Catholic University of Leuven) and Information Society and Knowledge (Open University of Catalonia). Prior to joining the European Commission, he was active in semiconductors research (Bell Labs, US) and had a number of industrial assignments, including process and product engineering in microelectronics design and fabrication (AT&T Microelectronics, Lucent Technologies). At the European Commission he had responsibilities in different R&D and policy areas, including Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) and Networks and Communications. He is currently involved in the EU Chips Act as part of the Microelectronics and Photonics Industry unit within DG CONNECT.

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Welcoming and Presentation
IEEE Portugal Section
The Semiconductor Technology: An history of challenges and success
Pandemic, Shortages, and Electronic Engineering
Is the Semiconductor Industry at a Crossroads Point?
Francisco Ibáñez European Chips Act


Nuno Ramalho Synopsys
Beyond CMOS: A TFT perspective
Pedro Barquinha CENIMAT
IEEE Portugal Best MSc Outstanding Awards and IEEE Portugal Section Awards
Closing Session

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